Dione Fountaine Pajot Tanna 47
5+2 Cabins
10-12 Persons
13.94 LOA
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Sailing Catamaran

Dione Fountaine Pajot 47 for charter in Greece

The Tanna 47 enjoys all the advantages of the Elba 45, but with even extra comfort. She delivers performance well above average to explore even further, across every sea and ocean.

13.94 LOA (m)
7.7 Beam (m)
77 Sail area (sq.m.)
10-12 Berths
5+2 Cabins
5 Heads
2 x 55 Engine (hp)
2 x 470 Diesel Capacity (lit)
3 x 350 Water Capacity (lit)
2024 Build Date
Unlimited Power
Unlimited Fresh Water
Air Conditioned Interior Spaces
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